Gombrassitonia Hilo Ablaze ‘Hilo Gold’ (3.5” pot blooming size)

Product Description

Striking large flowers! Grab it while you can because as they come into bloom again, they will sell in seconds at events we attend. One of the showiest of all the intergeneric Oncidinae hybrids we have grown, this spectacular bloomer combines two different Brassia species with two Gomesa species and three different Miltonia species giving large flowers with lots of color and pattern. Quite of few of these already bloomed with a couple of flowers in these small pots, but as they gain maturity they will generate on each new growth one or two spikes of up to 7 flowers that can exceed four inches in spread. Yet for all the exotic beauty, the care for this and other Oncidium intergenerics is fairly easy and straight forward. The main requirements are bright filtered light and enough watering to prevent total drying in between. They flourish in an east or west window or a few feet back from south facing windows and grow and bloom beautifully under white LED lights such as those sold as a substitute for four foot fluorescent fixtures. As this orchid grows larger, small bark alone or mixed with either chopped sphagnum or chunky Perlite are a good choice, as is any commercial mix sold in garden centers for Phalaenopsis orchids. NOTE: We always recommend soaking fresh mix out of the bag overnight in water to help rehydrate it before use. Potting into bone dry mix straight out of the bag may desiccate your plant.
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