Brassocattleya Keowee ‘Mendenhall’ AM/AOS (2.5 in. pot medium size plant)

Product Description
Return of an outstanding classic! This fantastic cross between Brassavola nodosa and Cattleya Lorriane Shirai was originally registered by Carter & Holmes nearly 50 years ago in 1975 and named after Lake Keowee, which was newly constructed at the time. If forms part of the eastern boundary of Oconee County, South Carlina, where Marble Branch Farms is located. Several truly outstanding forms came out of that original batch, but subsequent attempts to remake the cross yielded smaller, less beautiful flowers than the original. Luckily the awarded ‘Mendenhall’ form was recently re-tissue cultured in the laboratory and we were excited to get our hands on a batch of them! This was the first plant out of the cross to receive an award from the American Orchid Society. It has flowers that can exceed 5 inches in spread, with clear yellow segments and a intricate and amazing pattern of maroon spotting on the wide spreading lip. It is primarily a fall bloomer, but can sometimes flower in summer as well, and rather compact plants. Like most Brassavola nodosa hybrids, good drainage is essential, either by using large media when transplanting into a larger pot as the plants mature or shifting them to a basket. As always, we recommend that your resist repotting until the time is just right – when new roots are forming on the newest growth and the plant is crowded in the pot. Right now, these young plants are in 2.5” tall square pots and likely 18 months away from their first flowering.
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