Dendrobium griffithianum (2.5” pot near blooming size)

Dendrobium griffithianum  (2.5” pot near blooming size)
Item# den076

Product Description

Dendrobium griffithianum is one of the rarer members of the Callista Section of the genus, with a smaller growth habit than many of the other species with pendant chains of flowers. Found only in the mountains of Burma and Thailand where summer is rainy and winter is much drier, and where winter nights may fall into the 50’s while daytime highs are generally 80 or above. It is adaptable to a wider range of conditions but will not bloom well unless it receives a 25 to 30 degree swing in temperatures from day to night going into the fall and winter. The options for growing it would include a greenhouse or growing it outside until a frost is forecast. If you live in coastal California, the Gulf Coast or Florida, it could stay outside most of the year and be brought in only if/when a freezing night occurs. The plants flower repeatedly off the older growths, and we have had a few flower even in these 2.5” pots. While about 6 inches tall now, they will eventually reach up to 12 inches with club-shaped pseudobulbs topped with several evergreen leaves. Stepping up should only be done when the plants a crowded in their pot and new growths are nearing full size since that is when new roots will be produced. An older plant can be glorious for about 2 weeks each year. The flowering season is spring or early summer and is somewhat dictated by your specific growing conditions. An older plant can be covered with flowers and is a truly glorious sight. There are several awards for plants with over 200 flowers open at once. Each spike can carry up to about 25 yellow blooms with a deeper colored fuzzy lip and each is usually just under 2 inches in spread. Our supply is limited for this rare species, so don’t hesitate if you want one for your collection.

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